3 Tips for Lipstick Novices to Create Perfect Lip Makeup

3 tips for lipstick novices to create perfect lip makeup

1. If you are a novice, skip the tedious steps of lip pencil and filling. Choose a lipstick brush with a flat angle and use it to apply lipstick all over your lips and contours. But one step you can’t ignore is to apply concealer with a good concealer effect around your lips to prevent the dark yellow color around your lips from affecting the effect of your lip makeup.

2. First use a lip brush to brush the inner edge of your lips, but do not brush the outer edge. Then use a small eyeshadow brush to blend the lip color from the inner edge to the outer edge. If you don’t have an eyeshadow brush, you can dab it with your fingers.

3. Find your ideal nude color. Many times when we say “nude color” everyone will think of the same color. But in fact, for people with different lip colors and different skin colors, the standards of nude color are different. Some are more purple, some are more brown, and some are more apricot. It depends on your skin tone and lip color. Then choose your own nude lipstick and apply it carefully to create a nude lip look.


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