บทเรียนที่ 59: คำศัพท์ภาษาจีนกลางศิลปสังคมวัฒธรรม


ลำดับ พินอิน อักษรจีน ความหมาย
1 shǎolín 少林 Shaolin Temple, widely regarded in China as the birthplace
of martial arts
2 yīnyáng  阴阳 Yinyang, Taoist philosophy of balance
3 yuán Currency
unit for Chinese money
4 gùgōng 故宫 Forbidden
City, Palace Museum
5 nǐhǎo 你好 Hello
6 wǔshù 武术 Wushu, Chinese martial arts
7 气  Energy,
8 qìgōng 气功 Qigong, TCM concept of internal energy 
9 rénmínbì 人民币 Renminbi, official Chinese currency
10 májiàng 麻将 Mahjong, a traditional Chinese card game played with tiles
11 hú tòng 胡同 Hutong, Beijing traditional
12 hùkǒu 户口 Hukou, Chinese residential permit
13 lóng Dragon, mythical Chinese creature
14 pīnyīn 拼音 Pinyin, Chinese language pronunciation system
15 hóngbāo 红包 Hongbao, red envelope, lucky money, bribe
16 gōngfū 功夫 Kung
fu, the general term for Chinese martial arts
17 tàijí 太极 Tai
chi, a type of Chinese martial art
18 guānxì 关系 Guanxi, “backdoor relations”
19 shīfu 师父 Shifu, a master (kung fu)
20 dàmā 大妈 Dama; middle-aged female demographic famous for square dancing
21 Chángé 嫦娥 Chang’E, mythical “woman on
the moon” and Chinese space missions to the moon
22 lǎozi 老子 Lao
Tzu, philosopher and founder of Taoism
23 dào Taoism;
also means “way” or “road”
24 fèng Phoenix;
mythical Chinese creature
25 wǔxiá 武侠 Wuxia, a type of Chinese fiction featuring underworlds and
chivalrous heroes
26 qīngmíng 清明 Qingming Festival, an important date for worshipping past
27 xièxie 谢谢 Thank
28 jiǎozǐ 饺子 Jiaozi, Chinese dumplings
29 chángjiāng 长江 Yangtze
River, the Long River
30 hépíng 和平 peace
31 pǔtōnghuà 普通话 Putonghua, Mandarin, the
“Common Tongue”
32 mǎidān 买单 Maidan, asking the waiter for the restaurant bill
33 mógū 蘑菇 Mushroom
34 tiāntán 天坛 Temple
of Heaven
35 dòufu 豆腐 Tofu,
bean curd
36 guān Government
37 bāguà 八卦 The
Eight Diagrams (used in the past for divinations); gossip
38 máfan 麻烦 Mafan, trouble, frustration
39 chóngyáng 重阳 Double
Ninth Festival
40 Tiānānmén 天安门 Tian’anmen
41 yāngháng 央行 Central Bank
42 lǎowài 老外 Laowai, the general term for non-Chinese outsiders
43 māzǔ 妈祖 Mazu,
Goddess of the Sea, mainly worshipped in southern China
44 kǒngzǐ 孔子 Confucius
45 fǎntān 反贪 Anti-corruption
46 chángchéng 长城 The
Great Wall of China
47 sūnzi 孙子 Sun
Tzu, writer of “The Art of War”
48 Confucianism
49 Mèngzǐ 孟子 Mencius
50 xióngmāo 熊猫 Giant
panda bear, endangered animal species
51 diǎ Sweet, coquettish; slang for father
52 gānbēi 干杯 “Bottoms
up”, a saying used when drinking alcohol
53 chūnlián  春联 Spring
festival couplets, the red banners you see decorating entrances to homes
54 yuánxiāo 元宵 Lantern
festival, celebrated by eating glutinous rice balls
55 fǎnfǔ 反腐 Anti-corruption
56 zhōnghuá 中华 China
57 zhōngyōng 中庸 “The
Golden Mean”, “Everything in moderation”
58 zhōngguó 中国 China
59 duānwǔ 端午 Dragon
Boat Festival, celebrated by eating wrapped glutinous rice
60 chūnyùn 春运 Spring
festival travel rush, largest annual migration of humans in the world 
61 huánghé 黄河 Yellow River
62 duìbuqǐ 对不起 Sorry,
apologize, “am not worth your respect”
63 chuàngxīn 创新 Innovation,
64 chūnjié 春节 Spring
festival, Chinese New Year, Lunar New Year
65 huáxià  华夏  China
66 cùjū 蹴鞠 A
ancient sport of kicking a ball, considered by some to be origin of football
67 huǒguō 火锅 Hot
68 zhōngqiū 中秋 Mid-Autumn
69 tǔháo 土豪 Tuhao,
nouveau riche, a derogatory term for rich but classless people 
70 gǒuqǐ 枸杞 Chinese
71 wùkōng 悟空 Sun Wukong, Monkey King, character from “Journey
to the West”
72 mántóu 馒头 Mantou,
steamed buns
73 dàigòu 代购 Purchasing
74 zhōngguómèng 中国梦 The
Chinese Dream
75 gòngchǎndǎng 共产党 (Chinese)
Communist Party
76 liǎnghuì 两会 Two
Sessions; NPC, CPPCC
77 héxié 和谐 harmony;
a type of high-speed train
78 zhīfùbǎo 支付宝 Alipay
79 zhōngguó
中国制造 “Made
in China”
80 yīdài
一带一路 “One
Belt One Road”, OBOR
81 dǎng Party, affiliation, group
82 zhēnshí
真实亲诚  “Real
friends, honest relations,” commonly quoted as part of African diplomacy
83 gànbù 干部 cadre
84 jīnsīhóu  金丝猴 Golden
monkey, snub-nosed monkey
85 máobǐ 毛笔 Calligraphy
86 gōngān 公安 Public
security, police
87 dēnglóng 灯笼 Traditional
88 zhēnjiǔ  针灸 Acupuncture
89 xiǎokāng 小康 “Little
comfort,” reference to quality of life
90 wǎnggòu 网购 Online
91 shísānwǔ 十三五 The 13th 5-Year Plan
92 jiānbǐng 煎饼 Jianbing, a type of savory pancake
93 gāotiě 高铁 high-speed
94 zhōngguó
中国故事 “Story
of China”
95 mìngyùn
 gòngtóng tǐ
命运共同体 “Our
fates are inextricably intertwined”, a quote by Xi Jinping
96 sīchóuzhīlù 丝绸之路 Silk
97 bīngmǎyǒng 兵马俑 Terracotta
Warriors, famous archeological find in Xi’an
98 zhōngguó
中国道路 “China:
Road to Socialism” 
99 zhōngguó
中国声音 Voice
of China, an upcoming merge of Chinese news media
100 gōngbǎo
宫保鸡丁 Kung
Pao chicken

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